Camille KILLED it during her senior session!
It was quite possibly the hottest day of the year, but I am glad we stuck it out because we got the most beautiful light and sky.
When discussing Camille's vision for her session, she shared that she wanted a country vibe and locations that weren't commonly used by other seniors in our area. And, I can't lie, I was EEEKKKINNG when she chose the the Aitch Boat Launch as her second location because it is such a beautiful and underrated location. I have no clue why this location is rarely chosen, but I LOVE it!
We started her senior session at her family's camp. There was a large field, a pond, a dock, beautiful willow trees and the cutest, dainty wildflowers (or weeds depending on how you look at it. I prefer to call them wildflowers, haha!) I loved how quiet and sweet this location was. I really encourage seniors to choose locations that are meaningful to them. And, I believe Camille understood this assignment! How awesome to look back on your senior portraits years from now and know that the location is special to you and your family.
I told Camille and her Mom I would put this in the blog, so here it is. Each time we wanted to get a photo in a "natural" area--and by natural, I mean like tall weeds, in the wildnerness! (LOL) Camille would look at me like I was crazy. Like, "You want me to step in THERE?"
So, each time, I would stomp around in the weeds a few times to scare away any snakes or other creatures that might have been there. Only then did Camille mildly agree to crouch in the weeds. Although, I do have to say, while we were taking the one photo, we heard some rustling in the grass and just tried to ignore the fact that we were joined by some sort of critter.
From her family's camp area, we mosied on to the Aitch Boat Launch of Raystown Lake. If you've never been to the Aitch launch, YOU NEED TO VISIT! There is a beautiful fishing pier and a wildlife sanctuary area nearby. Meaning... this is the BEST place on the lake to see birds, snakes, fish, rabbits and other critters. The sunsets here are also to die for no matter the time of year.
As soon as we pulled in, we were blessed with some beautiful lighting that we took advantage of. We also found these cute little pink and purple flowers that looked AWESOME with Camille's white shirt and bell bottom jeans outfit.
Which, by the way, her jeans were tik tok famous. If you don't get this reference, go visit Love and Vintage Boutique's Tik Tok. I just loved those bell bottoms!
We laughed some more and ended Camille's senior session around the fishing pier... and, we even got to see a beautiful Blue Heron.
Camille, you are such a beautiful and sweet young lady! I love the sass you bring and how you are so uniquely YOU! She is a senior at the Southern Huntingdon County High School and is a busy bee! She has been working two jobs this summer, is an active FFA member and officer, raises sheep, and is interested in working with animals one day.
Camille, thank you for choosing Priceless Pixels Photography to capture this milestone!